Release Party – August 1st 2009

Welcome all to a friendly gathering in celebration of our fourth release – Discotheque of Darkness.

The shit will hit the fans at Café Mono, Oslo, Saturday August 1st, and we’ll start playing in prime time, exactly corresponding with barne-tv at NRK, that is 18.00.

So bring your distant relatives, your secret lovers and your local state leaders; this is musical bonanza at the utterly unfair price of gratis/no-charge-what-so-ever.

The dough you save on the entrance fee may, if you wish, be spent on the purchasing of the tonal goods, be it in handy compact disc format, or retro vinyl style.

See you!


Hippopop is a little chart breaker that got cut from “Discotheque of Darkness” at the final hour. This was actually the first song we recorded after “The Castle Massacre” so the ‘steady’ backbeat comes with compliments to Αλέξανδρος Lindusbächus. The Nord Lead II synthesizer made its debut here, as well as Ping’s own manufactured plug-in: The Beavis and Buttheadizer. No non-alcoholic beverages were consumed during the making of this song.

Shave your head and find the spot,

Put a flower in the pot.

Snap to bar and have a drink,

Crack the star and let it sink,

It makes me think – I have found the missing link!

Platypussy, Platypussy Go, Go – Platypussy Go!

Levitate & Deviate.

Hippo pop

Discotheque of Darkness – to be released August 1st.

(For english – press f9, then scroll down. Otherwise, scroll away)

Vær hilset! Det har vært en liten taushetsperiode fra Ping nå. Tiden har vi benyttet til å finslipe «Discotheque of Darkness» som skal utgis på Luftwaffel Records 1. august.

Albumet blir tilgjengelig på gatefold vinyl og CD, samt gjennom alle store nettbutikker.

Vi vil fortsatt legge ut gamle og nye perler på, om enn ikke i en månedlig syklus. Men, stikk jevnlig innom for enkle rariteter, og storslåtte epos.

Hva kan vi så si om skiva?

Som vanlig er det essensen av en rekke svisker, oppkledd i ny plommedrakt. Avantgardistisk gladpomp på popmanér. Sfærisk vellyd tilpasset menneskeøret óg dyreøret. Kort og godt – gjødsel for din åndelige vekst!

Relevante inspirasjonskilder er Steely Dan, Syd Barret, Motörhead og Vidar Sandbeck. Og som vanlig – de fire store B’ene: The Beatles, Beach Boys, Beefheart og Bobbysocks.

I anledning utgivelsen blir det en gratis slippekonsert på Café Mono i Oslo, lørdag 1. august. Mer informasjon om dette kommer senere, men datoen kan du sette av allerede. Grunnet familieøkning vil det nemlig bli et svært begrenset antall muligheter til å oppleve Ping live i år!


If you pressed f9: Congrats – you have just reserved one copy of Ping’s fourth release “Discotheque of Darkness”, which is to be released on Luftwaffel Records. You can pick it up at the release show Saturday August 1st at Café Mono in Oslo or at your nearest cybershop. The album will be available on gatefold vinyl and CD, as well as through all major digital distributors.

The music may be described as manure for your spiritual growth.


What we have here is a stupid song; stupid, stupid, stupid. Still, Brothers was our first single to reach top ten on the charts of Uqbar in Tlön. Banging the drum on this tune is ole Maestro Lindbäck. The trombone section is conducted by Wankin’ Fredheim. The entire Ping boys choir can be heard on the chorus, and we are looking for a music corps to help us perform the finale live!

One day I was so stupid, one day I was so stupid,

so really really stupid, you can’t believe how stupid!

I wouldn’t put a bet on how stupid I can get,

my maiden name is Stupid – stupid, stupid, stupid.

Today when I discovered the matrix of all things,

geometry of poetry, and the missing lynx.

Stupid’s gonna be on the news today, yeah!

Now they gonna listen to what stupid’s gotta say!

I met my brother at the end of a mile,

hadn’t seen him for quite a while,

he told me stories ’bout his fishing gear,

I told him ’bout my deepest fear.

I met my brother at the end of the Nile,

we hadn’t met for quite a while

I told him ’bout my old guitar,

he promised me a ride in his car.

Konstantinopel – Live@John Dee 17/01/09

Byzantium, Miklagard, Tsargrad, Istanbul, Stamboul – these are all names for the same city in Turkey – Constantinople, or Konstantinopel in Norwegian. Free of charge provides you with this trivium to impress your friends, nemesis, teachers and/or mistresses.

Not suprisingly and not unrelated, Konstantinopel is also the title of this humalong tune, as performed on stage in Oslo, at John Dee 17/01/09.

Rumour has it that a Turkish fraction is contemplating to make Konstantinopel the new Turkish national anthem! (But these are rumours, as I said, and it’s probably more like a fraction of a fraction…)

Ping on iTunes!

It’s only been three years and a couple of weeks since the release of The Castle Massacre. To exploit all the hype and media surrounding this recent release we decided to make the album available through iTunes!

We are confident that the enormous amount of income this will generate, will help us during the finalization of our coming album “Discotheque of Darkness” which is scheduled this summer on Luftwaffel Records. (These are not mere speculations, but official rumours damn it!)

The Dog – Live at John Dee, January 17th 2009

Thank you all for showing up at John Dee – it was a loaded house with a lovely crowd. This track catches but a glimpse of the atmosphere, “taped” straight from the mixing board and all, but it’s a lot of fun anyway! Kudos to our friends Kim the trumpeteer, Kristoffer the saxophile and Thomas, guitar gospeler. More songs to come!

Ping & Major Parkinson – Live in Concert

Update: Excellent photos from the gig are now available here and here, courtesy of Jarle Hrafn Grindhaug

Welcome all to musical bonanza, when Ping and Major Parkinson again join forces on stage. Saturday 17th of January at John Dee, Oslo.

Edit: Joining us on stage are the following special guest stars: Thomas Haugbro – guitar, Kristoffer Alberts – saxophone, Kim Alexander Wiegels Eriksen – trumpet and Jacob Krogvold – vocals.

Flesh With a Wish

As a token of appreciation of you, the receiver of cadeaux audibles, Ping humbly offers this little symphonic piece of joy to put you in that merry state of christmas spiritus. This opus was spawned in Jørgens mind womb and recorded live in the Ping studio. The one hitting it parapapapam is Ping’s own Claes Terjesen. Lyric wise this is a tribute to monkey man Charles Darwin. Musically we honour Donald Glen Vliet and Vincent Damon Furnier to name but a few. Now, you go figure out how this all relates to old Satan Claus on the cross….
Merry x-mas!

Underneath the city is a basement,

Underneath the stairway is a key.

Crawl through the pipelines in the sewer,

Maybe at the end you’ll see the sea.

Rotting lovely, let the flowers feast upon your

Flesh, guided by a wish,

To be guided by something else;

One day we”ll have maggots with brains,

Ringing their little bells.

Rotting lovely, let the flowers feast upon your

Flesh guided by a wish

Slowly, slowly, they say that you slow me down.

Slowly, slowly, roots coming up from the ground.

They’re gonna call out your name,

We’re gonna call out your name,

Call out your name one last time.

Rotting lovely, let the flowers feast upon your flesh…

Rotting lovely, let the flowers feast upon your

Flesh guided by a wish.

Call out your name, we’re gonna call out your name

One last time